

 2013/2/20    通譯翻譯|同聲傳譯


一、 稱呼

女士們,先生們 Ladies and Gentlemen

朋友們/各位朋友 Dear friends

各位嘉賓 Distinguished guests

尊敬的來賓 Honored Guests

各位同事 Dear colleagues

同志們 Comrades

青年朋友們 Young friends

(中國)同胞們 Fellow countrymen

(美國)同胞們 My fellow citizens

(港澳臺和海外華人)同胞們 Dear Compatriots

老師們、同學(xué)們、朋友們 Dear faculty and staff members, students and friends

同學(xué)們,老師們 Dear Students and Faculty Members

各位老師,家長,畢業(yè)生們 Members of the faculty, parents, and especially, the graduates

Members of the faculty, proud parents, and, above all, graduates

各位企業(yè)家朋友 Members of the business community

親愛的運動員們 Dear athletes


Distinguished Heads of State and Government and Representatives of Royal Families


Your Excellencies Diplomatic Envoys, Representatives of International Organizations and Your Spouses

各位使節(jié)及使團(tuán)同事 Excellencies and Colleagues of the Diplomatic Corps

各位團(tuán)長 Heads of Delegations

各位議員朋友 My Lords and MPs

中央政府駐港機(jī)構(gòu)各位領(lǐng)導(dǎo) Heads of local offices of the Central Government

尊敬的胡錦濤主席和夫人Your Excellency President Hu Jintao and Madame Liu Yongqing

尊敬的布什總統(tǒng)和夫人 Mr. President and Mrs. Bush

尊敬的羅格主席和夫人 Respected IOC President Rogge and Mrs Rogge

尊敬的克雷文主席和夫人 Respected President Philip Craven and Mrs Craven

尊敬的各位國際奧委會委員 Distinguished Members of the International Olympic Committee

主席先生/總統(tǒng)先生 Mr. President

總理先生 Mr. Premier / Prime Minister

總統(tǒng)女士 Madame President

尊敬的阿羅約總統(tǒng)閣下 Your Excellency President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo

國王和王后陛下 Your Majesties

各位殿下 Your Royal Highnesses

尊敬的桑德羅·邦迪部長 Respected Minister Sen. Sandro Bondi

尊敬的戴秉國國務(wù)委員 Your Excellency State Councilor Dai Bingguo

尊敬的李省長 Honorable Governor Li

尊敬的楊市長 Honorable Mayor Yang

團(tuán)中央第一書記陸昊先生 First Secretary Mr. Lu Hao

高教授及夫人 Professor and Mrs Kao

尊敬的內(nèi)格羅蓬特常務(wù)副國務(wù)卿 Honorable Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte

尊敬的亨特勛爵 Lord Hunt

尊敬的白樂威爵士 Sir David Brewer

尊敬的阿姆魯·穆薩秘書長 Your Excellency Secretary General Amr Moussa

(香港)政務(wù)司司長 The Honourable Chief Secretary for Administration

尊敬的(國家林業(yè)局保護(hù)司)賈建生副司長 Deputy Director General Jia Jiansheng

尊敬的劉立軍處長 Division Director Liu Lijun

尊敬的耶魯大學(xué)校長理查德·萊文先生 Dear Mr. Richard Levin, President of Yale University,

尊敬的(劍橋大學(xué))理查德校長 Vice Chancellor Alison Richard


1. 自我介紹


Good Evening, Ladies and Gentlemen!  I am Wendy Lyle, the U.S. Consul General in Wuhan and the moderator of tonight’s reception.  

2. 問候朋友

今天很高興和你們在這里。 It is a great pleasure to join you all this morning.

很高興再次見到各位新老朋友。 It is a real pleasure to meet friends, both old and new, here.

新老朋友濟(jì)濟(jì)一堂,我感到很愉快。 It is delightful to be among friends, both old and new.

看到有這么多朋友在座,令我萬分高興。 It is a great pleasure to see so many friends in the audience.

3. 來到大學(xué)


It gives me great pleasure to come to Cambridge, a world-renowned university that I have long wanted to visit.

今天來暨南大學(xué)和大家見面,我感到很榮幸。 It is an honor to be with you at Jinan University.


I am honored to be in the timeless city of Cairo, and to be hosted by two remarkable institutions.


I am honored to be with you today for your commencement from one of the finest universities in the world.


It is a great pleasure to be able to speak to you today and celebrate – a little in advance – Tsinghua’s 100th anniversary.


It is my great pleasure today to stand on your rostrum and have this face-to-face exchange with you.


It is a pleasure to be back in China and to join you here today at this great university.


I’m delighted to be here at the East-West Center in a new year that marks your 50th anniversary on this beautiful campus in this most extraordinary place.


I am delighted to be back in Beijing for the 7th ASEM Summit and to be given this opportunity to address this important school that nurtures your nation’s leaders of tomorrow.

4. 友好訪問


I'm glad to visit the United States in the lovely season of spring, at your invitation, Mr. President.


It is a great honor for me to be here in Shanghai, and to have this opportunity to speak with all of you.


It is my great pleasure to meet you, my friends, here at this prestigious think tank today during my visit to your country in this golden season of fall.


It is a distinct pleasure to meet you in the beautiful city of Geneva.


I am delighted today to have the opportunity to meet you, diplomatic envoys and Egyptian friends from various sectors, here at the headquarters of the League of Arab States.

5. 參加會議


I am very pleased to be able to pay a visit to this beautiful country and hold the “China Tibetan Development Forum”.

十分榮幸能在美中兩國之間的戰(zhàn)略與經(jīng)濟(jì)對話首次會議開幕式上致辭。It is a privilege to open this inaugural meeting of the Strategic and Economic Dialogue between the United States and China.


Today I’m very happy to be here to share with you some of my thoughts on the topic of Globalization.


It is indeed an honour to have been invited to speak before the group assembled this evening.


Standing here today I feel very pleased to share thoughts with you with an introduction on Chinese military.


It is a great honor for me to be invited to speak at the Churchill Lecture. And it is a special honor to have Lady Soames with us in the audience.

6. 參加活動


It is a great pleasure to join you all today to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.


It is a great honor to be surrounded by so many of you today as we gather here to celebrate America’s 232nd Independence Day.


I am delighted to be present to celebrate the arrival of pandas Tai Shan and Mei Lan to China.


It’s a great pleasure to be back and to be here at this CNAS event.

7. 出席宴會

我很高興出席今天的晚宴。 It gives me a great pleasure to attend tonight's dinner.

很高興出席今晚的招待會。 It is my great pleasure to join you at the reception.


I am delighted to join KEA China and your guests here in Beijing this morning.


I am very pleased to be invited to this breakfast meeting and exchange views on China-EU relations with friends of the bureau of the People's Party at the European Parliament.


1. 感謝邀請

感謝邀請我發(fā)表演講。 Thank you for inviting me to speak here.


Thank you for letting me share this wonderful day with you.


I'm grateful for your hospitality, and the hospitality of the people of Egypt.


I would like to begin by sincerely thanking President Summers for his kind invitation.


Thank you for giving us this singular privilege of being part of this commencement ceremony.


Let me begin by thanking you, Mr. Levin, for your kind invitation and the opportunity to come to Yale to meet young friends and teachers of this world-renowned university.

2. 感謝光臨

感謝大家前來參加我們的活動。 Thank you all for joining us this morning.

再次感謝各位的光臨! Again, I thank you for coming tonight!

感謝大家今晚撥冗蒞臨。 Thanks to all of you for taking the time to be here this evening.

3. 感謝介紹

韓市長,謝謝您做介紹時的友好言辭。 Mayor Han, I appreciate the kind words of introduction.

顧校長,感謝你充滿溢美之詞的介紹。 Thank you, President Gu, for that most flattering introduction.

查爾斯,感謝你的熱情介紹。 Thank you, Charles, for that kind introduction.

斯托克,謝謝你客氣的介紹。 Thank you, Stock, for your kind words of introduction.

胡主席,非常感謝您的歡迎致辭。President Hu, thank you very much for your kind and generous remarks.


Let me thank the trade minister for those welcoming words, and tell you what a privilege it is for me to join you here today.

4. 感謝款待

我和夫人為有這次機(jī)會再次來到中國訪問感到榮幸,感謝貴國對我們的歡迎,特別感謝復(fù)旦大學(xué)的熱情接待。 My wife and I are privileged to have the opportunity once again to travel in China. We are grateful for the welcome we have received, especially for the kind of reception here at Fudan University.


May I start by thanking China-Britain Business Council (CBBC) for hosting today's lunch.


First of all, I wish to express on behalf of my wife and my colleagues and in my own way, my sincere thanks to you, Mr. President, and Mrs. Bush for your thoughtful arrangements and gracious hospitality.


Thank you again for the invitation to speak this evening, and for your warm hospitality here in Shanghai.


I'd like to thank Fudan University's President Yang for his hospitality and his gracious welcome.


First, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to the entertainment by the Italian-Sino Foundation.


I also wish to thank President Kikwete and the Tanzanian Government for the thoughtful arrangements and warm hospitality.

5. 感謝工作


A special thanks to the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai and the Canada-China Business Council for co-hosting this evening’s event.


On behalf of the Ministry of Education of People’s Republic of China and the Confucius Institute Headquarters, I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to you!


Let me take this opportunity to pay tribute and express sincere thanks to you for your efforts.


Thank you to the people of Canada, for your generous hospitality, your warmth, and this unique and joyous celebration of Olympism.


I would like to express heartfelt thanks to you and, through you, to all those who have contributed to the Beijing Olympic Games.

在北京奧運會即將落下帷幕的時刻,我謹(jǐn)代表北京奧組委向國際奧委會、向各國際單項體育組織、各國家和地區(qū)奧委會,向所有為本屆奧運會做出貢獻(xiàn)的朋友們表示衷心的感謝! At the moment the curtain is about to fall on the Beijing Olympic Games, please allow me, on behalf of BOCOG, to express my sincere gratitude to the IOC, IFs, NOCs, and all friends who have contributed to the success of this Olympic Games.


I also thank the Planning Committee, organisers, volunteers and those working hard behind the scenes for their excellent preparations and arrangements for the Games.


Here on behalf of the Information Office of the State Council of China, I warmly welcome all guests present and give my sincere thanks to the Italian Government for its support and to the Italy-China Foundation for the effort and hard work it has done for this Forum.


I am very grateful to the people and Government of Kenya for hosting this AGOA Forum, and particularly to the president, the prime minister, and the entire Kenyan Government.


I also wish to take this opportunity to sincerely thank the international community for the warm support and valuable assistance given to China in our rescue and relief efforts after the devastating Wenchuan earthquake.

6. 感謝榮譽


Let me begin by expressing sincere thanks to the Geneva School of Diplomacy and International Relations (GSD) for awarding me this honorary doctorate.


1. 訪問

我代表教職員工以及商學(xué)院的學(xué)生一起歡迎你們來到我們的校園。On behalf of the faculty and the staff and the students of the Harvard Business School I welcome all of you to our campus.


It is a real pleasure to join you this evening in welcoming Chairman Wu here to Washington.


I would like to extend my warm welcome to Mr Lu Hao and members of the Chinese youth delegation.


On the eve of the 10th anniversary of the Macao Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China, I am honored to welcome again our leader President Hu Jintao to Macao and join us here tonight.


First of all, on behalf of the Government and the citizens of the Macao Special Administrative Region, I would like to extend our warmest welcome and highest respect to President Hu and Madame Liu, as well as all leaders from the Central Government’s delegation.


Let me begin by warmly welcoming all of you to the Chinese Embassy.


On behalf of the U.S. Consulate General in Wuhan, I would like to extend a hearty welcome to all of you.

我對各位的到來表示熱烈的歡迎!I offer all of you my warmest welcome!

2. 活動

大家晚上好,歡迎各位蒞臨今晚盛會。 Good evening and a big welcome to this special and festive gathering.


On behalf of the Chinese government, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all the distinguished guests.


At the same time, let me extend our cordial greetings and heartfelt gratitude to all guests and friends present.


It's a great pleasure and a privilege to welcome you here today to this historic occasion.


Welcome to the opening ceremony of the photo exhibition 'Expo 2010 Shanghai, China'.


On behalf of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, may I, first of all, extend my warmest welcome to our guests and friends of the media for attending today’s ceremony.


On behalf of the Civil Aviation Department (CAD), may I extend a very warm welcome to all of you for attending the New CAD Headquarters Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony.

能夠在此歡迎你們前來參加美中戰(zhàn)略與經(jīng)濟(jì)對話首次會議,我深感榮幸。 It is a great honor to welcome you to the first meeting of the Strategic Economic Dialogue between the United States and China.

歡迎各位朋友光臨今天的西藏——發(fā)展的前景,合作的機(jī)遇論壇開幕式。Welcome to today's opening ceremony for the forum of 'Tibet—Developmental Prospect & Co-operational Opportunities'.


We are most delighted to have the Honourable Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Henry Tang, to officiate.


It is a great honour to have Professor and Mrs Kao with us today.


On behalf of the Chinese Government and people, I wish to extend a warm welcome to all the distinguished guests who have come to Beijing for the Games.

在北京2008年殘奧會隆重開幕之際,我謹(jǐn)代表北京奧組委,向來自世界各國家、地區(qū)的運動員、教練員和各位來賓表示熱烈的歡迎! On the occasion of the grand opening of the Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games, please allow me, on behalf of BOCOG, to extend my warmest welcome to athletes, coaches and guests from all countries and regions around the globe.


It is an honour to have State Councillor, Madam Liu Yandong and the Honourable Count Rogge, President of the International Olympic Committee, with us tonight to officiate at the opening ceremony of the Fifth East Asian Games.


Tonight, the Hong Kong 2009 East Asian Games are coming to a successful conclusion. On behalf of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, I extend a very warm welcome to you for joining tonight’s ceremony.

3. 招待會


It is truly an honor to have you here with me to celebrate the first State Alumni reception in Wuhan.

首先,我代表國務(wù)院新聞辦公室向出席招待會的駐華使節(jié)、新聞官員、中外傳媒界及其他各方面的朋友們表示熱烈的歡迎! First of all, on behalf of the State Council Information Office, I wish to extend warm welcome to foreign diplomats, press officials and friends from Chinese and foreign media circles.

歡迎大家出席中國駐歐盟使團(tuán)舉辦的新年音樂會。 Welcome to the New Year’s Concert.

歡迎各位出席民政事務(wù)局庚寅年新春酒會。 Welcome to the spring reception of the Home Affairs Bureau.

歡迎大家參加慶祝中華人民共和國成立60周年招待會。 Welcome to this reception in commemoration of the 60th anniversary of founding of the People's Republic of China.

首先,熱烈歡迎并感謝各位出席中華人民共和國建國60周年國慶招待會。Welcome to our national day celebration. First of all, I wish to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to you for your presence.


How much honored we are that Your Excellency is gracing us with your presence at this very festive event to celebrate the Chinese New Year.


I would like to thank all of you for joining us in this celebration of the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.


祝賀高教授獲得諾貝爾物理學(xué)獎。 Congratulations to Professor Kao on your Nobel Prize in Physics.


Let me begin by commending you all for the successful Olympic Games.


First of all, please allow me, on behalf of the General Administration of Sport of the P. R. C. and the Chinese Olympic Committee, to extend my hearty congratulations on the opening of the 24th General Assembly of the OCA.


It is a great pleasure for me to congratulate the Peoples Republic of China on its 60 years anniversary.


I would like to extend warm wishes and congratulations to the People’s Republic of China on the 60th anniversary of its founding on October 1.


I begin by congratulating Peking University which this year celebrates its 110th anniversary.


This year marks the 800th anniversary of the university. Please accept my warm congratulations.

祝賀各位,一切平安。 Congratulations, and Godspeed. (畢業(yè)典禮結(jié)束語)


1. 活動

我祝愿此次圖片展圓滿成功。 I wish this photo exhibition a success!

預(yù)祝本次展覽圓滿成功。 I wish the exhibition a very big success.

我謹(jǐn)此祝愿第五屆東亞運動會圓滿成功。 I wish the Fifth East Asian Games every success.


I wish the first round of China-US Strategic and Economic Dialogues a crowning success.

祝第二屆西藏發(fā)展論壇圓滿成功! I wish the Second Forum on the Development of Tibet a great success!

最后預(yù)祝論壇和畫展取得圓滿成功。 At last, I wish a great success to this forum and this art exhibition.


I sincerely wish this Forum and the Western China International Economy and Trade Fair a great success!


On the occasion of the opening of the first round of China-US Strategic and Economic Dialogues (S&ED), I wish to extend, on behalf of the Chinese Government and in my own name, warm congratulations and best wishes.

2. 訪問

祝愿中國青年代表團(tuán)訪英取得成功! I wish the Chinese youth delegation a successful visit.


To conclude, I wish you all a pleasant stay in China and great health.

首先,我代表中央政府和全國各族人民,向在座各位,并通過你們向全體澳門市民,致以誠摯的問候和良好的祝愿! Let me begin by extending, on behalf of the Central Government and the people of all ethnic groups in China, warm greetings and best wishes to all of you here and through you, to all the citizens of Macao.

3. 友誼

祝愿我們的友誼長存。 May I wish our friendship last forever.


May the relations between our two countries and the friendship between our two peoples grow even stronger.

我謹(jǐn)向偉大的美國人民轉(zhuǎn)達(dá)13億中國人民的誠摯問候和良好祝愿! I wish to convey to the great American people the warm greetings and best wishes of the 1.3 billion Chinese people.

我也自豪地帶來美國人民的友好情誼,帶來我國穆斯林民眾的平安問候。 I'm also proud to carry with me the goodwill of the American people, and a greeting of peace from Muslim communities in my country.


Let me begin by conveying to our friends present here and to the brotherly Tanzanian people the warm greetings and best wishes of the 1.3 billion Chinese people.


We bring you good wishes from President George W. Bush and the people of the United States.


On behalf of the Chinese government and the people, I wish to hereby extend our warm greetings and best wishes to you and through you to all the Americans who care about and support the growth of China-U.S. relations.


On behalf of the Chinese government and people, I would like to pay high tribute and offer best wishes to all the Arab countries and people.


In conclusion, let me extend all my best wishes for the People’s Republic of China and for its ambitious and hard working people.

4. 節(jié)日祝福


May I extend my New Year greetings to all of you.


Allow me to extend my warm welcome and new year greetings to all of you.


In this festive season, let me start by wishing you all good progress and good health in the Year of the Tiger.


I wish you good health, successful career, happy family reunion and good luck in everything!


First of all, let me take this opportunity to wish you all the very best in the year to come.

我也祝愿新的一年各位也能取得更大進(jìn)步,身體健康,萬事如意——虎年快樂! I wish that this year will bring everybody more progress, more prosperity and continuous good health - Happy Year of the Tiger.

祝愿所有歡度農(nóng)歷新年的人們在新的一年里平安幸福,事業(yè)興旺,身體健康。 To all those celebrating the Lunar New Year, may you be blessed with peace, prosperity and good health – now and in the year ahead.

在即將邁入象征著好運和力量的虎年之時,我祝大家虎年春節(jié)快樂。 I wanted to wish you a very happy Chinese New Year as we enter the year of the Tiger, a year traditionally associated with good fortune and power.


As we join in the celebration of the New Year with Chinese communities all around the world, please do pass on my warm best wishes for the New Year to your family and friends.


On behalf of the Foreign Ministry of the People's Republic of China and in my own name, I wish to extend warmest festive greetings to you all.


The New Year is only a few days away. On behalf of vice ministers and colleagues of the State Council Information Office, I would like to extend New Year’s greetings to all of you in advance.


Last but not least, may I wish Hong Kong prosperity, stability and success, and all of you a happy and fruitful year.

我和夫人米歇爾向亞裔美國人、太平洋地區(qū)和亞洲國家以及全世界所有慶祝農(nóng)歷新年的人們表示最誠摯的祝福。 Michelle and I send our warmest wishes to Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, the people of Asia, and all those around the world who are celebrating the Lunar New Year.

我祝愿大家齋月吉祥。 I wish you all a very blessed Ramadan.

我謹(jǐn)祝愿大家74獨立日愉快。 I wish you all the best for a happy Fourth of July.


現(xiàn)在我提議大家舉杯,干杯! Now, I propose a toast for the New Year. Cheers!


Now I propose a toast, to the success of the conference and the health of all the distinguished guests here, cheers!


May I ask you to join me in a toast, to the friendship and cooperation between our two companies, cheers!


May I propose a toast to all of you and to the National Day of China! Cheers!


I would like to propose a toast, to the prosperity and greater success of the Confucius Institutes; to a happy and successful New Year, to a happy family and to a year of good luck!

請大家與我共同舉杯——          Now, I would like to invite you to join me in a toast

為中華人民共和國的繁榮富強,  To the growing prosperity of China,

為我們的友誼,                To our friendship,

為各位的健康,                To the health of every one present.

干杯!                          Cheers!

現(xiàn)在我提議,                    Now, please join me in a toast,

為布什總統(tǒng)和夫人的健康,        To the health of the President and Mrs. Bush,

為在座的各位朋友的健康,        To the health of all friends present here today,

為中美兩國人民的友誼,          To the friendship between the Chinese and the American peoples,

為中美關(guān)系的美好未來,          And to the bright future for China-U.S. relations.

干杯!                          Cheers!

現(xiàn)在,我提議:                   May I now invite all of you to join me in a toast,

為慶祝中華人民共和國成立60周年, To the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China,

為中美兩國和兩國人民             To the friendship and cooperation between China and the United States,

的友誼與合作,                   and between Chinese and American peoples, and

為各位來賓和朋友的健康,         To the health of all my friends present here tonight.

干杯!                            Cheers!

現(xiàn)在,我提議                    In conclusion, let me propose a toast,

為在座各位議員朋友的健康,      To the health of Lords and MPs here tonight,

為中英議會交往合作,            To the cooperation between our two legislatures,

為中英友好關(guān)系的不斷發(fā)展,    &, nbsp; And to China-UK friendship.

干杯!                          Cheers!

現(xiàn)在,我提議:                  I now propose a toast,

為中國與世界各國的互利友好      To the steady progress of the mutually-beneficial cooperation and friendly

合作關(guān)系的不斷發(fā)展,            relations between China and other countries of the world,

為各位來賓、朋友新年快樂,      And to a happy new year for all of you present this evening.

干杯!                          Cheers!

現(xiàn)在,我建議大家舉杯:          Now, please join me for a toast:

為國家的繁榮昌盛,              To the thriving prosperity of our motherland,

為香港的繁榮穩(wěn)定,              To the future success of Hong Kong, and

為各位朋友的健康和幸福,        To the health and happiness of you all.

干杯!                          Cheers!

現(xiàn)在,我提議:                  Now, please join me in a toast,

為澳門更加美好的明天,          To Macao and its even brighter future,

為我們偉大祖國更加繁榮富強,    To our great motherland and its ever-growing strength and prosperity, and

為在座各位朋友身體健康、        To the health, career success and family

事業(yè)成功、家庭幸福,            happiness of all friends present.

干杯!                          Cheers!

女士們、先生們,                Ladies and gentlemen,

現(xiàn)在,請大家舉杯──            I now propose a toast,

為胡錦濤主席和夫人的健康,      To the health of President Hu and Madame Liu,

為各位嘉賓和朋友們的健康,      To the health of all guests and friends,

為偉大祖國的繁榮富強和          To the prosperity of our Motherland and

澳門的美好明天,                the bright future of Macao.

干杯!                          Cheers!

現(xiàn)在,我提議:                 I now propose a toast,

為國際奧林匹克運動蓬勃發(fā)展,   To the strong growth of the Olympic Movement,

為世界各國人民團(tuán)結(jié)和           To greater solidarity and friendship among people

友誼不斷加強,                 from all over the world, and

為各位嘉賓和家人身體健康,     To the health of all the distinguished guests and your families.

干杯!                         Cheers!

現(xiàn)在,我提議:                 I now propose a toast,

為北京殘奧會圓滿成功,         To the crowning success of the Beijing Paralympic Games,

為國際殘疾人奧林匹克           To the continued growth of

運動不斷發(fā)展,                 the Paralympic Movement,

為世界各國人民團(tuán)結(jié)             To greater solidarity and friendship among people

和友誼不斷加強,               from all over the world, and

為各位嘉賓的健康,             To the health of all the distinguished guests present. 

干杯!                         Cheers!


謝謝大家!謝謝各位! Thank you.

謝謝大家對我的邀請! Thank you for having me here today. / Thank you for letting me come.

再次感謝總統(tǒng)先生對我們的熱烈歡迎! Thank you once again, Mr. President, for your warm welcome.


Please join me in welcoming former Secretary Henry Kissinger.


And now, it is my great honor to introduce Vice Premier Wang.


Now, I have the honor of inviting Mr Jacques Rogge, President of the International Olympic Committee, to speak.

現(xiàn)在我宣布會議開始! Now I would like to call the meeting to order.


Now I declare the opening of the 14th Forum on the Protection of Children and Women’s Rights!


I now have the honour of asking the President of the People's Republic of China to open the Games of the XXIX Olympiad of the modern era.


It now gives me great pleasure to invite the President of the People's Republic of China, Mr. Hu Jintao, to declare open the Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games.

現(xiàn)在按照傳統(tǒng)我宣布第21屆冬季奧利匹克運動會閉幕,同時我號召青年人四年后在俄羅斯索契共同關(guān)注第22屆冬奧會。In accordance with tradition, I declare the XXI Olympic Winter Games closed, and I call upon the youth of the world to assemble four years from now in Sochi to celebrate the XXII Olympic Winter Games.

謝謝諸位,現(xiàn)在我準(zhǔn)備回答你們的提問。 Thanks for your time, and I look forward to your questions.


Now I am ready to take your questions.  /  Now I'd be pleased to take your questions.

I look forward now to taking some questions from all of you.



The title of my speech today is 'See China in the Light of Her Development'.


Now, let us enjoy the traditional Chinese folk music, the sound of harmony of the Chinese civilization.


Next, I would like to introduce Ms. Chen Xiaozhou, a talented student at Hunan Women’s University to be the host for the next segment of the reception-University Musical and Dance Performances.


Before we begin tonight’s reception, I would like to express my condolences on behalf of the American people to the victims of Wenchuan Earthquake and pay our respect to the Chinese people who have demonstrated such courage to help the victims recover from the tragedy and rebuild their communities.

現(xiàn)在,我請大家起立,與我一道默哀一分鐘。 May I now ask you to rise and join me in a minute of silence.

偉大的中華人民共和國萬歲! Long live the great People’s Republic of China!

華支英雄們永垂不朽! Eternal glory to the Wha Chi heroes!