

 2011/12/19    通譯翻譯|同聲傳譯

成都通譯翻譯 陳 濤

摘 要:“依法”是法律文件中的高頻詞,翻譯的妥當(dāng)與否涉及當(dāng)事人的權(quán)利義務(wù)問題。而這方面的研究在國內(nèi)尚未充分展開,誤譯的情況時有發(fā)生,尤以“IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAW”的濫用最為明顯。本文以我國現(xiàn)行法律文本為素材,分析了“依法”的不同功能和效果,剖析先前翻譯實踐的經(jīng)驗與不足,提出了“依法”的翻譯對策和等效翻譯原則。

關(guān)鍵詞:依法;英譯;IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAW;功能;效果

Abstract: In light of the frequent occurrence of the phrase “依法(YIFA)” in Chinese legal documents and the great concern of the translation thereof with the parties involved, and in light of the insufficient attention to this subject in Chinese translation community and the consequent confusion in the current translation practice, the author, on the basis of the current Chinese written laws, probes into the functions and effects of such phrase, and, drawing lessons from the past translation practice, esp., the misuse and overuse of “in accordance with the law”, arrives at several conclusions as to the translation of such phrase, esp., the equivalent-effect principle.

Key words: YIFA; E-C translation; in accordance with the law; function; effect

1. 前言


在這一問題的處理上,譯界普遍存在的問題是對“依法”的含義和功能缺乏理解,因而:翻譯策略的選擇不是建立在對原文含義與功能理解的基礎(chǔ)上,而是盲目照搬,訛傳了立法或立約者的意旨,出現(xiàn)了濫用“IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAW”的情況。以流傳最廣的三個《民法通則》英譯本——中華人民共和國國務(wù)院法制局英譯本(LAB)、澳洲CCH股份有限公司英譯本(CCH)、美國China Law Reporter雜志英譯本(CLR)——為例[5]:

◇ 原文:第三十七條
◆ 譯文:
Article 37 (LAB) A legal person shall have the following qualifications:
(1) establishment in accordance with the law;
Article 37 (CCH) A juristic person should meet the following conditions:
(1) establishment in accordance with the law;
Article 37 (CLR) A legal person must fulfill the following conditions:
(1) it must be established in accordance with the law;
▲ 分析:
法人成立與否,法律自不會強勉,也就是說,法律并不強加“成立”之義務(wù),僅就成立的過程進行限定(過程控制功能),三個譯本不約而同地使用了“IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAW”。

◇ 原文:第三十八條

◆ 譯文:
Article 38 (LAB) In accordance with the law or the articles of association of the legal person, the responsible person who acts on behalf of the legal person in exercising its functions and powers shall be its legal representative.

Article 38 (CCH) A person who, in accordance with the law or the articles of association, is responsible for representing the legal person in the exercise of its duties and functions is the representative of the legal person.

Article 38 (CLR) The legal representative of the juristic person shall be the responsible person who exercises its powers on behalf of a juristic person in accordance with the law or provisions of the organizational charter of a juristic person.

▲ 分析:
“依照法律”是“依法”的全稱,在本例中,充當(dāng)“代表法人行使職權(quán)的負責(zé)人”的行為依據(jù),非在強加“代表法人行使職權(quán)”的義務(wù)于任何人,也非為“行使職權(quán)”確立行為準則。但上述三例仍以“IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAW”作譯。

◇ 原文:第四十條

◆ 譯文:
Article 40 (LAB) When a legal person terminates, it shall go into liquidation in accordance with the law and discontinue all other activities.

Article 40 (CCH) Upon termination, a legal person shall carry out liquidation and cease activities which are beyond the scope of the liquidation.

Article 40 (CLR) When a juristic person is terminated, it should carry out liquidation in accordance with the law, and acts outside the scope of the liquidation shall cease.

▲ 分析:
此“依法”功能有二:首先,要求相關(guān)人員在“法人終止”這一事件發(fā)生時,必須實施清算,即義務(wù)強加功能;其次,實施“清算”,必須遵守法定程序,即過程控制功能。功能早已發(fā)生變化,而LAB譯文仍然采用“IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAW”,實屬不當(dāng)。

◇ 原文:第四十五條

◆ 譯文:

Article 45 (LAB) An enterprise as legal person shall terminate for any of the following reasons:
(1) if it is dissolved by law;
Article 45 (CCH) A corporation shall terminate under any one of the following circumstances:
(i) legal annulment;
Article 45 (CLR) An enterprise-juristic person may be terminated for any of the following reasons:
(1) annulment in accordance with the law;

▲ 分析:

◇ 原文:第五十條

◆ 譯文:
Article 50 (LAB) If according to the law an institution or social organization having the qualifications of a legal person needs not go through the procedures for registering as a legal person, it shall be qualified as a legal person on the day it is established;

Article 50 (CCH) An institution or association which fulfills the criteria of a legal person and which is not required by law to register as a legal person shall acquire the status of a legal person from the date of its establishment.

Article 50 (CLR) Institutional units and social organizations which meet the conditions necessary to be a juristic person that are not required by law to register as juristic persons have the status of juristic persons from the date they are established;

▲ 分析:

“IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAW”這一短語歷來為國內(nèi)學(xué)者、譯者所推崇,大凡法律翻譯著作[[6]][[7]][[8]],必有所載,儼然成了“依法”的欽定譯法,此誤譯之濫觴。我們來看看國外法律界對該短語的態(tài)度:《美國憲法》(The Constitution of the United States)未使用該短語[[9]],長篇累牘的《澳大利亞憲法》(Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act)共使用4次[[10]],而簡短的《中國憲法》英譯本卻使用了28次[[11]]。


“To be accordance is to be in conformity or compliance. In accordance is sometimes cumbersome, but often useful. E.g., ‘The search was conducted in accordance with FCI regulations and without excessive use of force’. Out of accordance with = not in conformity.”[[12]]

“In accordance with (或<美>to)與……一致;依據(jù);依照:In accordance with your request I am sending you the sample pages of dictionary.依據(jù)你的要求,現(xiàn)寄上詞典的樣張?!盵[13]]

關(guān)于該短語的含義,這兩部詞典的觀點完全一致,但在用法方面,均為談及。我們要追問:在“A shall do something in accordance with the law.”這一個常見的法律語句中,“IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAW”究竟是方式狀語(原文含義為“某事情必須依照法律規(guī)定的程序”)呢,還是依據(jù)狀語[[14]]呢(原文含義為“法律有規(guī)定,必須做某事”)?須知,兩種解釋所產(chǎn)生的法律效力大相徑庭。雖然憑借一般的句法規(guī)律,可以基本排除依據(jù)狀語,但法律語言必須是嚴謹?shù)模畲蟪潭认缌x[[15]],況且我們的譯法選擇有許多,類似上文所列《民法通則》第五十條三種譯文用的方法就值得借鑒,單就本例而言,完全可以作如下處理:

A shall do something in the way required by the law.

A. A shall do something, which is required by the law.
B. To comply with the law, A shall do something.

如此處理,一目了然,豈不快哉!可惜譯界、學(xué)界的同仁多未意識到這一點,無視語言本身的邏輯和國外法律起草及翻譯實踐,抱緊了“IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAW”的殘缺不放。這就背離了法律語言的最高原則——ACCURACY(準確)[[16]],會造成中外雙方信息不對稱,增加了糾紛發(fā)生的概率,譯者當(dāng)引以為鑒。

2. “依法”的含義與功能

(4) 權(quán)利授予。例如:




(5) 法規(guī)重述。例如:



(1) 義務(wù)強加[+]過程控制。例如:


(2) 權(quán)利授予[+]過程控制。例如:



(1) 對“義務(wù)強加[+]過程控制”的否定。例如:



(2) 對義務(wù)強加的否定。例如:



3. 正譯舉隅

(1) Eligible for legal personality, a non-profit institution or a social organization obtains its legal personality upon its establishment, where no registration is required by the law;

(2) A juristic person shall meet the requirements that it:
(i) be instituted in the way required by the law;

(3) A business corporation terminates, if:
(i) annulled by the law;

(4) The employment contract terminates, if:
(ii) the employee is legally entitled to the endowment insurance;

(5) What the law provides for this?

(6) While terminating, a juristic person shall discontinue all activities except for liquidation, which is required by the law and shall be conducted in the way required by the law.

(7) The labor union may, as empowered by the law, and shall claim, in the way required by the law, against the employer;

(8) (iii) breach the law by failing to pay the tax, or fail to pay the tax in the way required by the law;

(9) breach the law by failing to fulfill the procedures prior to a specific time

4. 結(jié)論
(1) 在國內(nèi)的法律實踐中,“依法”的含義和功能均較復(fù)雜,很多情況下都同時承載了一種以上的功能,譯者在翻譯之前,先要找出其真正含義;

(2) 國人慣用“IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAW”,竟至泛濫,而該英文短語的含義較寬泛,用法未臻統(tǒng)一,極易引起歧義,導(dǎo)致信息失真,將當(dāng)事各方置于風(fēng)險之中;

(3) “IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAW”可用,但要慎用,譯者在實際翻譯中要弄清它的真實含義,選擇恰當(dāng)?shù)谋磉_法;

(4) 翻譯“依法”的前提是正確區(qū)分其功能和含義,以減少歧義和效果對等為原則,選取最優(yōu)的翻譯方法,精確翻譯是可能的。


作者簡介:陳濤,成都通譯翻譯有限公司,翻譯總監(jiān)。研究方向:規(guī)范漢語、法律語言、語法、翻譯實踐與教學(xué)。E-mail: mailofchentao@foxmail.com,電話:15928915970。


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B. 論文標題的英文(含副標題、作者英文名)
Research on the C-E Translation of “依法”/Chen Tao

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[[1]] 中華人民共和國中央人民政府官方網(wǎng)站. 中華人民共和國勞動合同法. http://www.gov.cn/jrzg/2007-06/29/content_667720.htm

[[2]] 人民網(wǎng). 中華人民共和國民法通則. http://www.people.com.cn/GB/shehui/8217/39932/2944727.html

[[3]] 新華網(wǎng). 中華人民共和國憲法. http://news.xinhuanet.com/newscenter/2004-03/15/content_1367387.htm

[[4]] 新華網(wǎng). 中華人民共和國憲法. http://news.xinhuanet.com/newscenter/2004-03/15/content_1367387.htm

[[5]] 《民法通則》AAA譯本評析[M]. 陳忠誠. 北京:法律出版社,2008.

[[6]] 孫萬彪. 英漢法律翻譯教程[M]. 上海:上海外語教育出版社,2002.

[[7]] 李克興,張新紅. 法律文本與法律翻譯[M]. 北京:中國對外翻譯出版公司,2005.

[[8]] 李德鳳,胡玫,李麗. 法律文本翻譯[M]. 北京:中國編譯出版社,2006.

[[9]] The United States Constitution. 見:http://www.usconstitution.net/const.html

[[10]] Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act. 見:http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/cth/consol_act/coaca430/

[[11]] Constitution of the People’s Republic of China. 見:http://www.usconstitution.net/china.html

[[12]] [美] Garner, B.A.. A Dictionary of Modern Legal Usage(影印本)[M]. 北京:法律出版社,2002.

[[13]] 陸谷孫. 英漢大詞典(第2版)[M]. 上海:上海譯文出版社,2007.

[[14]] 張道真,溫志達. 英語語法大全[M]. 北京:外語教學(xué)與研究出版社,1995.

[[15]] [美] Thomas R. Haggard. Legal Drafting(影印本). [M]. 北京:法律出版社,2003.

[[16]] [美] Thomas R. Haggard. Legal Drafting(影印本). [M]. 北京:法律出版社,2003.

[17]中華人民共和國中央人民政府官方網(wǎng)站. 中華人民共和國勞動合同法. http://www.gov.cn/jrzg/2007-06/29/content_667720.htm

[[18]]中華人民共和國中央人民政府官方網(wǎng)站. 中華人民共和國勞動合同法. http://www.gov.cn/jrzg/2007-06/29/content_667720.htm

[[19]]中華人民共和國中央人民政府官方網(wǎng)站. 中華人民共和國勞動合同法. http://www.gov.cn/jrzg/2007-06/29/content_667720.htm